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Arowana or Flower horn?

posted by enchongrenz in Freshwater Fish

I want to buy an aquarium and a fish, which is the best pick or good fish for a single tank size, arowana or flower horn fish?. I like the color and the characteristic of a flower horn but other says that arowana is good because it brings good luck. So what do you think guys?

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ion - 6 years ago
I have flower horn fish and I think it's also giving a good luck. Arowana for me is looks boring and somehow is very normal. I really like the color of my flower horn, specially the head.
fishbate - 6 years ago
Well if your planing Arowana you need to have a large tank. This fish grows big and strong so you need to have a little bit of planning before going for it. Maintenance wise they are both easy to maintain.
Martinsx - 6 years ago
I have never had an Arowana fish in my life but I have seen it in movies and I must confess that they look very beautiful. I came up one article online where it's said that Arowana carries some sort of luck if you have it at home in your aquarium. I'm not really sure how true this superstitious belief is but I would definitely like to know if it's true or not. Is there anyone who knows more about Arowana fishes?
Rita101 - 6 years ago
Arowana would be my pick because they are lovely in how they look and they are very expensive as well if you want to sell them. Have seen lots of aquarium that contains Arowana and they look so beautiful exploring the aquarium water bodies they are in. I don't have Arowana yet in my aquarium but I'm definitely going to buy it sooner than later.
Martinsx - 6 years ago
@Rita101 You are absolutely correct with that assertion on Arowana being so beautiful in aquarium, they are among the top 10 fishes that I know to be very good looking when on display. If you love Arowana so much, I'm absolutely sure that you can afford buying it once you save for it.
Chinet23 - 6 years ago
Arowana will not gain popularity with no reason. They are definitely attractive with their vibrant colors and the common belief that they bring goodluck. Definitely a charmer if you look at them in the aquarium and captivating as they grow really big up till 4 feet. That makes them high maintenace fish.
simply_juli3 - 6 years ago
Yes. That's right. They say Arowana brings luck especially when you see it opens its mouth wide. You can actually buy both just make sure to give them separate tanks because Flower horns are known for being aggressive. Give the Arowana a bigger tank because it can grow as much as what you expected.

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