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Help - Clown fish not bonding with their anemone

posted by paddygsound in Saltwater Fish

So pretty new to the tropical fish world and I am having trouble with my clown fish. I have given them an anemone and they are not really going anywhere near it. Is that normal or should I be concerned? What else should I be looking out for with my little friends?

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paddygsound - 6 years ago
It has been around a month and the pesky little buggers still haven't made any particular connection. I'm guessing that just don't want to. Was worth a try.
GuppyMan - 5 years ago
It very much depends on the type of clown fish and the type of anemone you have. Not all types of clown fish bond with all types of anemones. I would suggest you do some research and maybe change them. Good luck!

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