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Cement Aquarium

posted by Jomjom in Photography

Hello guys. I just want to ask if anybody has an aquarium made of cement? I'm planning to make one outdoor, but I want to get ideas on how to make it. I hope you can help me materialize this project.

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TFAdmin - 6 years ago
Never made one, I imagine you would build the form, pour in the cement, then either use a plastic liner or perhaps waterproofing paint to keep water from leaking out...
Jomjom - 6 years ago
Yes, that's my plan. However, I'm not sure with the design that would be favorable with my guppies. I think that without waterproofing would be better since this will allows the continous flow of water.
Peter - 5 years ago
That sounds like a great idea for a project! I am not sure how to make one, but I definitely have seen some cement aquariums that looked amazing! Good luck with yours

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