Raising Discus fish comes with many requirements, it can change drastically when keeping them in a show tank, breeding or grow out tanks.

Discus fish suffer from several diseases if poor diet or poor water quality are present. Hole in the head disease is completely preventable and curable if caught in time.

Taking care of discus fish can be an overwhelming task for the beginner aquarium hobbyist. It is often recommended that you get in a few years of general aquarium experience before diving in head first with Discus.

Several reasons can lead to your discus fish to develop cloudy eye disease, sometimes even both eyes can become cloudy. Read our guide to help get your discus fish on the path to recovery.

With a little bit of planning and the right equipment, you can set up your Discus fish to comfy and thriving in clean soft water.

There are three ways you can buy discus, from a hobbyist, a breeder and a local tropical fish store. Everyone is trying to cash in and recoup costs of raising discus, so you need to be sharp, know what to look for and even more important, know how to strike the best deal.

What do discus fish eat? Feed food with great nutrition, huge growth, and health. See all options available to you, and understand what you should be feeding your discus fish.

Any way you look at it, Aquarium Salt should be in your cabinet to help treat your discus. It has been around since the beginning of tropical fish keeping, it's all natural and proven to work. Plus, you can get a large container of Aquarium Salt for very little, that will last you a very long time.

Here are some tips to getting your discus fish ready to begin breeding. Sometimes it can take all of these steps, sometimes it's just one or two small changes to get it right.

Your discus fish are important to you and keeping them free of illness is a big challenge. Most discus fish are being imported or sold from hobbyist to hobbyist, making it a risk to go from bag to tank. Learn how to spot disease and treat it quickly!

Discus fish are an investment in time and money. That's why it's critically important to be able to spot healthy fish. Read our nine important tips for spotting unhealthy Discus fish and make sure you bring home the very best for your money.

Acclimating new Discus to your tank is a very important step. Not taking the time to do it properly can cause irreparable damage to your Discus, even death.