Does anyone else here have betta fish? I have Groo who lives in a 20g tank with a few tetras and yoyo loaches. Some fish keepers look down on bettas but I think they are some of the most interested fish not only in looks but also their inquisitive and active behavior. They only thing I don;t like is fish with excessively large fins so they can't move around properly.
Why would an angel pair stop breeding?
posted by Russ in Freshwater Fish BreedingI have a pair of angelfish that grew up from juveniles and over a year ago they paired up. The laid and fertilized eggs twice but did not succeed in raising them. They got some through to free-swimming but then I think they ate them. Not so unusual, I think, for a new pair. But then they stopped any breeding behavior and it's been that way for about a year now. I would have expected them to give it a few more goes?
One way I used to get my Discus, distant cousins of Angelfish, to breed was to first feed them heavily with live food like black worms or frozen bloodworms, cleaning up anything that was not eaten. After a a week of heavy feeding, I would do a water change, about 30% to 50% with aerated RO water that was softer, acidic and slightly cooler than the current tank temperature, doing this routine usually got my Discus spawning...
Just one of my angelfish has always had these spots on her tail. They have been there almost a year with no other signs of problems with her or the others. However it just looks to me like some kind of parasite situation. I can't find anything that is a good match for this and would be very interested on your opinions.
- @Russ
- Joined July 2018