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Cement Aquarium

posted by Jomjom in Photography

Hello guys. I just want to ask if anybody has an aquarium made of cement? I'm planning to make one outdoor, but I want to get ideas on how to make it. I hope you can help me materialize this project.

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TFAdmin - 6 years ago
Never made one, I imagine you would build the form, pour in the cement, then either use a plastic liner or perhaps waterproofing paint to keep water from leaking out...
Jomjom - 6 years ago
Yes, that's my plan. However, I'm not sure with the design that would be favorable with my guppies. I think that without waterproofing would be better since this will allows the continous flow of water.
Peter - 5 years ago
That sounds like a great idea for a project! I am not sure how to make one, but I definitely have seen some cement aquariums that looked amazing! Good luck with yours
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Concrete Aquariums

posted by Jomjom in Welcome

Hi everyone. I'm a newbie here. I just want to seek some advice about concrete aquariums. We have an aquarium made of concrete located outdoor, just besides our house. Is it fine if dead leaves or other stuff get into it? Although we clean it occasionally, but still I'm concerned with the health of our fishes. Hope for some tips.

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khanhtran123 - 6 years ago
You should clean it out. Be careful of the rain also. My family let leaves and rain drop in and all our fishes die. Hard learnt experience
ion - 6 years ago
I think it's really hard to avoid the leaves to drop on your pond, but I really don't know if fish will die because of fallen leaves, but as long as you can, you are really worried about the leaves, just clean it out.