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New Article on how to acclimate discus with buckets!

posted by TFAdmin in Freshwater Fish

Just posted a new article on how to acclimate discus using a bucket...

I know a lot of you will be for the "float the bag" method, but take a read and let me know if you have tried the bucket method and your experience...


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NesMarcos - 6 years ago
This article is so helpful when someone is into caring a discus. I, myself do not have a discus in my tank, however after reading this article, I became interested with it and want to know more about it.
vinaya - 6 years ago
I have never raised discus, however, I find these species very cure. They are colorful and very playful. I just checked the article and found it very informative and useful. I have always wanted to have discus, but have not seriously considered bringing them home because I do not have any knowledge. The article gave me some clue.
wallet - 6 years ago
Your article is very informative, I had three pairs of discus and they lay eggs in the past but unfortunately, none of them survived. Because of my son allergie I had to give up to my fish and aquarium at that time.

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