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Hello Fish People

posted by Kakashi2020 in Welcome

Hi everyone, it's great to be a part of this Tropical Fish Forum. :)

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kathness - 6 years ago
Hello there! I'm a newbie here as well. Let's keep posting for the fish community and all the fish people out there! I'm so excited that there's a site like this for fish lovers like myself.
khanhtran123 - 6 years ago
Hello. I'm new also. I have fishes in my garden pond. Wish I can learn how to take care of them.
acetrop001 - 6 years ago
Hello fishfolk, I'm a newbie here and I hope to learn more about fishes. I have a small fish bowl with 1 solo fish there which I play with almost everyday by tapping or rubbing the side of the bowl. And he/she responds.
jennyfermanuel - 6 years ago
Hi there! I am also a newbie here. I hope to have exchange of thoughts with you guys!
AzizSnake - 6 years ago
Hey there, this is my first post here, I hope I'll learn a lot of things about fish here have a nice day all
Avada1234 - 6 years ago
Hi and weclome, just joined here as well. Lets share our experiences with our fishes and make this place better.
RhealaineS - 6 years ago
Hi! I'm also a newbie here. I look forward to learning a lot from all of you guys. So that I will be able to take good care of my fishes and future fishes.
MomoStarr16 - 6 years ago
Hi fishman! He he. I am also new here. Giving it a try to know a lot of things about fish that happen to be my favorite.
khanhtran123 - 6 years ago
Hey Kakashi2020! Hope we can help each other out. I am learning to take care of my pond for fishes.
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posted by Kakashi2020 in Freshwater Tank Equipment

Can Platy's and Mollies breed? What can be interbred with them?

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Behappie - 6 years ago
I have done this experiment though but I think you can interbreed, you will have fine outcome because of the individual peculiarities of each specie.
Martinsx - 6 years ago
From my experience with fish breeding, these fishes tend to get hostile to parties that seem to be different from their breed. This becomes a serious problem when you want to interbreed because the safety and survival of either of the fish is at stake. I'm not sure if it's possible to interbreed Platy and Mollies but I will make inquiries and then get back to you.
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Janitor Fish

posted by Kakashi2020 in Freshwater Fish

Are Janitor fishes advisable for tanks filled with small fishes like Mollies and Platys?

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acetrop001 - 6 years ago
Janitor fishes are the biggies in the tank. But big as they are they have serene dispositions and are nocturnal creatures, so you'll see them active in the night. I guess that they can be joined with the small ones because the small fishes can easily fit in the big tanks. I'm not sure though if both can cohabitate.
Russ - 6 years ago
I assume you mean plecostamus species. It depends somewhat on the species. Common plecos get quite large, and they become more omnivorous as they grown. So when they get big enough to fit fish into their mouth opening, which is relatively small, they will eat small fish. If you stick to a dwarf species like the rubberlip, it will never get big enough to eat an adult platy but I couldn't rule out thinning out the fry a little.
MomoStarr16 - 6 years ago
They help clean the tank by eating those dirt that the main fishes did not eat. But I think they also make the tank dirty because of their poop. But I guess they can help the tank more than giving it a negative thing.
Lissiel - 6 years ago
Janitor fish eats smaller fish and eggs. You just have to make sure you put bigger fish together with a janitor fish. Janitor fish are pretty cool actually.
ion - 6 years ago
I think molly is too small and not safe for janitor fish. Janitor fish will kill your fish, and actually I don't like the face of janitor fish.
fishbate - 6 years ago
Janitor fish are invasive so if you think about having them as pet, i would not recommend it. If your objective is help clean tanks better, i think it's more wise to have a more efficient filtering system.
wallet - 6 years ago
Yes you can keep the with Mollies and Platys, and yes they clean the tank very well, they eat a lot of food that the other fish don't eat, it depends on your fish tank volume but I think that two janitor fish is enough.
rmed - 6 years ago
Absolutely not. Janitor fish is a predator to small fishes, so if you put it on a tank filled with small fishes they could just be easily wipe off the face of the earth when they are hungry.Thus, it is helpful in cleaning up the tank algae, debris but it still not advisable in keeping up company with small fishes like mollies and platys.
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What are the best tank mates for Mollies?

posted by Kakashi2020 in Freshwater Tank Equipment

I've got a lot of Molly's in a 50 gallon tank and I was thinking, what's the best tank mates for them?

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wallet - 6 years ago
It depends on how many Mollies fish you want to have in your tank, a 50-gallon tank is just good to have around 15 -20 Mollies fish, if you want to keep more fish you need a larger tank.
RhealaineS - 6 years ago
From what I've read, mollies are good tank mates for swordtails, platies, angelfish, and corydoras catfish. Please make sure to consider the size of your tank to make sure that the fishes will have enough habitat space.
khanhtran123 - 6 years ago
Snails and shrimps are good tankmates for them as I have asked my grandpa. Check if they are truly good though as he tells from his experience.
JMS63 - 6 years ago
We had Mollies with Neons, Guppies, Swordtails and others. There were two tanks about the same size and each had a mix of fish in. You do need to think about the size of the tank but incorporating different fish will be attractive on the eye.

You are right to consider the fish that you put with them. If the mix does not include predators then your Mollies should be fine.
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posted by Kakashi2020 in Freshwater Tank Equipment

Can guppies, mollies and other small fishes survive in a tank without oxygen but with lots of plants?

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Russ - 6 years ago
I am not sure what you mean by "without oxygen". Oxygen gets into the water from air. Having some agitation of the water such as from an airstone or HIB filter can help preventing the water from becoming so stagnant the fish end up air gulping at the surface. But I don't know that plants really contribute significantly to O2 saturation, I suppose it is possible.
vinaya - 6 years ago
I am also confused with the term "without oxygen." Actually water is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. There is no water without oxygen. If you mean to ask whether you can maintain oxygen level in the tank by having too many plants, I think it is possible.
Martinsx - 6 years ago
Martinsx - 6 years ago
Well what I know about fishes is that they need oxygen to survive, so even with having lots of plants in the tank and it still lacked enough oxygen to sustain all the fishes in the tank, they are definitely not going to survive. Keep the water fresh and neat, and change it from time to time, it's the only way to keeping the fishes safe.
fishbate - 6 years ago
I think they can but it's not a good idea, the problem with surviving without air pumps is when the plants is not producing enough oxygen. Also there's a with a tank without pumps and filters regarding toxicity.