Beginner saltwater reef tanks, bare bones...
posted by marino in Saltwater FishI have been a freshwater tank guy all my life, but recently been really intrigued by starting a small reef / coral saltwater tank...
Keeping freshwater tanks is easy compared to the amount of equipment and water parameter requirements for salt water and coral keeping...
Just wondering if I am just starting out, what would the minimum list of equipment and supplies I would need to start my first saltwater tank? While I am at it, might as well ask the ideal starter tank size, I was thinking 10 gallon, but I might be way off...
Thanks in advance...
Behappie - 6 years ago
I would like to recommend Banggai cardinals, some clownfish, seahorses with benthic larvae, Bristletail filefish, Green wolf eels, Convict eel goby/blennies, Neon gobies and some dottybacks. These have very manageable rearing protocols and have short or no pelagic larval phase.
- @marino
- Joined April 2018