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Ultimate Koi Farm / Breeder List

Getting started with Koi Fish? Maybe you are looking for a local koi farm. In our experience, finding a local breeder or farm you can purchase your koi from is critical to your success. It's always great to be able to support local businesses and pick the brain of the people who make it their life's work to raise koi fish. When you get started you will have a lot of questions and need help as you navigate through your experiences with keeping a koi fish pond.

koi fish farm breeder list

Below is a list of Koi fish farms and breeders, it will continue to grow if you would like to be listed or include your favorite koi fish farm or breeder, send us an email to support@tropicalfish.io or use the comment box below.

Koi Farms in the USA

King Koi - California

Andrews Koi International - California

Barstow Koi Farm - California

Mystic Koi and Water Gardens - California

Kloubec Koi Farm - Iowa

Blackwater Creek Koi Farm - Florida

Freshwater Farms in Ohio - Ohio

Hanover Koi Farms - Pennsylvania

Blue Ridge Koi Farm - North Carolina

Children of the Sun - Washington

East Coast Koi Imports - North Carolina

USA Koi - New Jersey

Hammock Koi Farm - Tenessee

Kodama Koi Farm - Hawaii

Bassinger Koi Farm - Texas

Grand Koi - Georgia

Purdin Koi Farm - Louisana

Ozarks Koi Farm - Montana

Laguna Koi - California

Send Us Your Favorite Links

We are still looking for more koi farms and breeders to list on this page. If you are a koi farm or breeder and want to be listed, send us an email to support@tropicalfish.io or post a comment below. If you have discovered a koi farm or know of one that should be posted, feel free to email us or post in the comment section too.

Hope this list continues to grow and helps you guys out there in internet land to get started with koi fish.

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