Fluval Bug Bites - Tropical, Cichlid, Goldfish and Pleco Formula Breakdown & Review Guide

There are various options for fish food for aquarium owners and that is probably a good thing. When Fluval released Bug Bites, you almost had to wonder, do we need another brand of fish food on the market?

The answer is YES, a food that is created with staying as close to natural as possible and your fish will love. Bug Bites is fish food that provides all-around nutrition while staying away from fillers and using bugs!

What are Fluval Bug Bites?

Bug Bites boasts of not having any artificial preservatives, fillers or color. On the surface makes it appear fully natural and safe for your fishes and all together alternate food source. There are four variations of Bug Bites available depending on the type of fish you keep, plus a pleasant surprise was that Fluval included a formula for bottom-feeders, they didn't leave out our plecos! The formula of Bug Bites comes in two forms of granules and pellets. Granules are slow-sinking, suspending towards the surface and middle, while pellets are more suitable for bottom feeders.

Should I Feed Fluval Bug Bites To My Fish?

Now, “Bug Bites” is divided into four different categories to cover the most popular tropical fish. The four types are Tropical, Cichlid, Goldfish and Bottom Feeder. We further broke down each group to clear up any questions you might have below.

Bug Bites - Tropical Formula

The tropical formula comes in two variants, Slow Sinking Micro Granule for small to medium tropical fish and Slow Sinking Granules for medium to large tropical fish. The only difference between these two variants is the size of the granules. The granules for the Slow Sinking Micro Granules measures 0.7-1.0 mm and the granules for the Slow Sinking Granules measures 1.4-1.6 mm.

The top ingredients for the Tropical Formula are dried soldier black larvae, peas, concentrated fish protein, salmon and potato. Let's take a look at how the Tropical Formula of Bug Bites is broken down.

Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae

It contains 40% of dried soldier black larvae, which, as mentioned above is a rich source of protein for fish.


It also contains other proteins in the form of salmon, which is a rich source of fatty acids. Complex amino acids are found in concentrated protein.

Flavorful and Easily Digestible

It is palatable to fish and is easily digestible.

High-Quality Small Batches

The product is manufactured in small batches for maximum quality control and to preserve the freshness. Both the variants are available in 45g quantity.

Bug Bites - Cichlid Formula

The Cichlid Formula is also available in two types, Slow Sinking Granules for small to medium cichlids and Slow Sinking Pellets for medium to large cichlids. The granule size measures 1.4mm to 1.6 mm and the size of the pellets measure 5-7 mm. The top ingredients are dried soldier black larvae, green peas, salmon, concentrated fish protein and potato.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae

The Cichlid Formula is also high in protein as it contains up to 40% of dried soldier black larvae. Besides that, the protein source includes salmon and concentrated fish protein.

Flavorful and Easily Digestible

Fishes love it as it is highly palatable and it is also easy to digest.

Slow Sinking

The granules and the pellets are slow sinking which means that fishes as any depth can feed on it. The granules come in a 45g container while the pellets are available in 100g quantity.

Bug Bites - Goldfish Formula

The Goldfish Formula is also available in Slow Sinking Granules for slow to medium goldfish and Slow Sinking Pellets for medium to large goldfish. The granules are also a standard size of 1.4-1.6 mm and the pellets come in the size of 5-7mm.

The top ingredients are dried black soldier larvae, wheat, salmon, pea protein concentrate and calcium carbonate.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae

This formula also contains the number 1 fish food formula which is dried black soldier larvae. It is also rich in amino acids and fatty acids, thanks to the salmon present.

Flavorful and Easily Digestable

This formula provides a balanced diet to goldfish. It is also highly palatable and easily digested by the fish.

All Natural, No Fillers

It is 100% natural with no artificial preservatives, fillers or colors. The granules are available in 45g and the pellets are available in 100g.

Bug Bites - Bottom Feeder - Pleco Formula

This formula is available in Sinking Granules for small to medium bottom feeders and Sinking Sticks for medium to large bottom plecos. The granule size measures 1.4-1.6mm and the sticks measure 17-20 mm for medium to large bottom feeders.

The top ingredients are dried black soldier larvae, wheat, salmon, green peas and potato. Some of the features of this formula are:

Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Like all the types, this formula also contains 40% of dried black soldier larvae which is essential for the fishes to thrive and receive their overall nutrition.

Fiber Rich

Bottom feeders require more fiber and this is why wheat as the top ingredient makes this variant a fiber-rich formula.

Flavorful and Easily Digestible

As usual, fishes crave this as it pleases their palates and is also easily digestible.

Granule and Sticks Available

It provides a balanced diet to the bottom-feeders. The granules are available in 45g containers and the sticks are available in 130g packets.

What Ingredients do Fluval Bug Bites use?

The entire idea behind Fluval Bug Bites is the use of natural ingredients and fortifying with premium choices of protein and carbohydrates. What does that all mean? Well, we dug in a little closer and broke down the specific ingredients bug bites uses below.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae:

Black soldier fly larvae contain protein which is similar to the protein that is required by fishes for sustenance in the wild. Pretty smart, regardless of how many cycles your fish has been bred from the wild, it still shares a HUGE portion of its DNA with wild fish. Using foods fish would eat for growth and health in the wild was a brilliant move by Fluval. Since Black Soldier Fly Larvae do not contain any exoskeleton, it is easy for the fishes to break down and digest their food helping avoid constipation.


Salmon is another source of premium protein for fish which is similar to Black Soldier Fly Larvae. Salmon is also one of the most common ingredients for high-quality fish food and it is also MSC-certified. Salmon, as we all know, is a great source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids which are essential for boosting the immune system as well as to protect organs and tissue.

Fish Protein:

Additional fish protein is added in a concentrated profile to provide a more complex form of amino acid. This proves to be beneficial for the healthy growth of fishes.


With proteins, there must be an equal dose of carbohydrates as well, and therefore peas are added to the feed too. Peas are a great source of carbohydrates and they were well-loved by fishes.


Potato, as we all know, is an awesome source of carbohydrates as well. It also acts as a natural binder which improves the stability and quality of the feed. Instead of the use of chemicals to bind, the potato is used instead.


“Bug Bites” contains a source of fiber in the form of wheat which is considered to be much better than wheat flour or wheat gluten.

Final Thoughts

Fluval got it right with their Bug Bites formula, creating a well-balanced fish food that your fish will love and will benefit from. As with all food, a variety is always best to provide a full spectrum of nutrition. If you are growing out fry, bug bites are great to mix in with live food for growth. Prepping pairs for breeding again, bug bites is an awesome food to include for a protein-rich diet. Just keeping fish, again bug bites is an awesome choice to sprinkle in on occasion to mix things up. In a world of freeze-dried, frozen and flake, Fluval Bug Bites are a welcome new source of food for your fish.