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Hello everyone

posted by Rita101 in Welcome

Hello everyone in the Tropical Fish forum, I'm Rita and a fish lover who just joined the community. I'm really happy to be a part of this platform and I look forward to having a great time here.

I have a small sized aquarium in my seating room and it's such a sight to behold. I'm looking at the possibility of learning how to take care of my fish and aquarium.

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Youngshark - 5 years ago
Hi to you too and Hey all members aboard this amazing forum.
Rita101 - 5 years ago
Thank you @Youngshark for taking the time to come and say welcome to me, it really means a lot to me and I appreciate you for it. I'm looking forward to having a great time reading all posts that interest me and reply where I see fit and have something good to offer to the topic of discussion.

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